課程內容 Course Curriculum

  1. 1
    • 課程概覽(學習貼士)

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    • M11-L01:形容你遇過最好的上司 Describe your best boss you have ever met.

    • M11-L02:你想別人喜歡你還是尊重你 Would you prefer being liked or respected?

    • M11-L03:如果你可以回到過去,你會做什麼不同的事 If you can go back to the past, what would you do differently?

    • M11-L04:誰是你的導師 Who is your mentor?

    • M11-L05:你家裡有多少人 How many family members do you have? (About personal life)

    • M11-L06:你是什麼星座、生肖、血型 What’s your constellation, Chinese zodiac, blood type?

    • M11-L07:這間房可以容納多少個足球 How many footballs could fit in this room? (About logic & imagination)

    • M11-L08:你像哪種動物If you were an animal, what would it be?

    • M11-L09:你認為本港經濟狀況如何What you think about HK economy?

    • Feedback on Module 11

  3. 3
    • Special Offer

    • Bonus 1 - Job Interview Question Bank

    • Bonus 2 - Email Support

    • Bonus 3 - Facebook Private Group

課程特色 Key Benefits

  • Well-structured Pre-recorded Videos

  • Life-time & Unlimited Access

  • Online Access - Anytime, Anywhere, Any Device

  • Self-paced

  • English Material + Cantonese Teaching
    英文教材 + 廣東話授課

  • Highly Useful & Practical

Amy Leung