課程內容 Course Curriculum

  1. 1
    • 課程概覽(學習貼士)

  2. 2
    • M10-L01:你會進行什麼步驟去處理X工作 What steps would you take to handle X task?

    • M10-L02:你會用什麼工具去完成工作 Mention some of the useful tools in performing your work.

    • M10-L03:你會如何改善工作效率和質量 What would you do to improve work efficiency & quality?

    • M10-L04:你如何看行內的趨勢和發展 What do you think about the latest trend & development of the industry?

    • M10-L05:你認為自己資歷過高或過低嗎 Do you think you are overqualified or not qualified for this job?

    • M10-L06:你有什麼建議給我們 You have any advice for us?

    • Feedback on Module 10

  3. 3
    • Special Offer

    • Bonus 1 - Job Interview Question Bank

    • Bonus 2 - Email Support

    • Bonus 3 - Facebook Private Group

課程特色 Key Benefits

  • Well-structured Pre-recorded Videos

  • Life-time & Unlimited Access

  • Online Access - Anytime, Anywhere, Any Device

  • Self-paced

  • English Material + Cantonese Teaching
    英文教材 + 廣東話授課

  • Highly Useful & Practical

Amy Leung